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ChurchNotes - Write Notes From Church Se



檔案大小:49 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


ChurchNotes - Write Notes From Church Sermons and Bible Stud(圖1)-速報App

ChurchNotes, while being feature rich, simplifies the process of taking notes and keeping them organised. ChurchNotes is perfect for taking notes during a church service or podcast. While being an ideal solution for speakers to use for their own sermons.


When you type a scripture reference, it will automatically become a link within your notes. Tapping the link will display the scripture in your desired bible translation. (Check help section for accepted formats).


ChurchNotes - Write Notes From Church Sermons and Bible Stud(圖2)-速報App

Your notes are automatically organised by date, by speaker and by location. You can also add custom folders to put you in full control of how your organise your notes. Searching through your notes couldn't be faster.


● NLT, KJV and ASV Bible Translations available. (more to follow)

● Easily add formatting, such as bold, italic and underline to your notes.

ChurchNotes - Write Notes From Church Sermons and Bible Stud(圖3)-速報App

● Change the font face and size of text.

● Create bulleted and numbered lists.

● Handy buttons for undo/redo.

● Supports iPad, iPad mini, iPhone and iPod Touch.

ChurchNotes - Write Notes From Church Sermons and Bible Stud(圖4)-速報App


If you have any suggestions of how ChurchNotes can be made even better, we would love to hear your ideas. Please visit www.simonsapps.com to get in touch.

ChurchNotes - Write Notes From Church Sermons and Bible Stud(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad